105 Years of History

The first record of any members of the Church of Christ in Broken Arrow is from a religious census of 1909, which listed two people. Their names are unknown. In 1922, a few families began meeting in homes.   Sometime that year, a gospel meeting with Brother Joe Warlick, was conducted in a tent on Main Street. Several conversions resulted in this effort. The group rented a place in the Old City Hall for worship. Chairs had to be arranged, communion supplies brought by members, and each family brought their own songbook. The rented room was above the city jail.

Sometime later, the congregation, consisting mostly of tenant farmers, nearly disbanded, but a young family moved in and encouraged the group to press on. A gospel meeting in 1924 resulted in many baptisms and a new place to worship was needed. Late in 1927, a building at Ash and Broadway was purchased. Three elders signed the Articles of Incorporation on December 24, 1927. Baptisms were conducted in nearby ponds until a baptistry was constructed in 1932.

By 1948, the church had outgrown that building and was torn down. A white frame with seating for 250 people, and a basement, was built in its place and was ready for use in 1949. The members were all willing to take part in the demolition of the old building and the construction of the new.

Land on North Main in Broken Arrow was purchased, but soon, it was apparent there was not enough room available for a growing church. In 1961, land was purchased at our present location. Construction for a new facility began in September, 1962. An Open House was held in April, 1963 for a new building that would seat 587 people and contained 34 classrooms and offices.

Eight years later, a plan for expansion was developed and a second Open House was held in 1974 for a new auditorium with a seating capacity for some 1,200 people. Included in the expansion, was the north educational wing as well as the office area. The building utilized today is the result of a major building project completed in 1982. The church owns approximately 10 acres from 71st Street (Kenosha) south on 4th Street with additional space across 4th Street for parking and a newly developed parking lot on the southeast portion of our property.

The church today, as in the past, struggles with two needs: to provide adequate facilities for a growing congregation and to evangelize the lost here and those throughout the world. We are happy to say that both of these needs are being addressed today! We have always placed special emphasis on missions, locally, stateside, and abroad. A major emphasis is our Mission Forum, which began in 1975. Our goal remains constant: to use what God has given us to His glory, so this community and the world will know the love of Christ. We minister in love and daily seek to offer service to those in need in the name of Christ.