Sunday April 7
Be a part of one of Broken Arrow's best-kept secrets! New Heights Summer Camp serves as a summer feeding site for kids, with over 100,000 meals provided over the last 9 years.
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100% of every donation goes directly to New Heights Summer Camp. New Heights Summer Camp is a 501c3 non-profit corporation. All donations are 100% tax-deductible within the United States. We automatically provide an email receipt for every donation. We deeply appreciate your support!
Give a check by mail
Mail your check donation to:
New Heights Summer Camp
505 E. Kenosha St.
Broken Arrow, OK 74014
New Heights Summer Camp is currently preparing for a “Bid For Kids” Silent Auction to be held on Sunday, April 7 beginning at 6:00 PM. Your support would be greatly appreciated!
Established in 2009, the New Heights Summer Camp program provides meals and academic enrichment activities to the children of the Rhoades Elementary School neighborhood. Of the students at Rhoades, 71% take advantage of free or reduced meals during the school year. Lack of nutrition during the summer months can lead to poor performance or health issues in children when they return to school in the fall, so New Heights helps fill that nutrition gap by partnering with the USDA Summer Food Service Program to serve breakfast and lunch five days a week. During the past eight years, over 100,000 free meals have been served as part of this yearly, non-profit summer program.
In addition to lack of nutrition, summer learning loss also contributes to the achievement gap with lower income children. Operating in a facility across the street from Rhoades, New Heights has use of a gymnasium, STEM curriculum, library, commercial kitchen, computers, as well as other educational advantages. The Camp operates eight weeks out of the summer from 8:45 AM - 4:30 PM, and works with kids from kindergarten through middle school. Full-time facilitators and counselors are employed, supported by approximately ten unpaid volunteers each day. It takes an estimated 4,000 volunteer hours each summer to provide a quality place for the neighborhood kids.
This silent auction and benefit dinner will help raise funding to further improvements in every area of the program. Your generosity will help New Heights continue to serve these young minds that will one day be future leaders of our community. The goal is to give kids every advantage to move forward in life, and basics like food, education, and love are things every child needs to flourish.
Please feel free email us with any questions you may have. Or call our office at 918-258-9602.
We are a 501C3 non-profit corporation.