The Cambodia Bible Institute is a work of the Sunset Church of Christ in Lubbock, Texas. Rich and Ronda Dolan have served the Cambodia Bible Institute since 2007. Rich serves as the Dean of the school. Rich’s work involves teaching and training, scheduling visiting teachers from the States, establishing the schedule and curriculum, recruiting students and working with local churches. He also arranges vocational training for the students to allow them to be self-supporting, if needed.
Due to laws in Cambodia forbidding door-to-door campaigns, there are scheduled Evangelism Weeks which give students the opportunity to return to their home villages and preach the gospel. As another tool for outreach, Rich has arranged for the translation of Bible commentaries which serve as study guides. The first project completed was a commentary of Romans titled "Paid in Full" by Richard Rodgers. "Paid in Full" is given to all graduates, church leaders and sold in the Bible bookstore in Phnom Penh. Recently a man of a different faith from the Phnom Penh Bible School requested a copy of the book in English from which he plans to teach a class and assign reading. A second book, in the process of translation, is "The Life of Christ." Once completed, 2000 books and 1,000 study guides will be completed.
Rich and Ronda Dolan
Rich and Ronda attend and work with two congregations. “Usually I preach and teach class 3 or 4 times a month at the Phnom Penh congregation. Most Sundays I teach Bible class at the University congregation where I am also helping lead and train men.”
A note from Rich:
Although we are now miles apart, we continually thank God for all of you in Broken Arrow. You are our dear friends, brothers and sisters. We are grateful that you are partners with us in God's work here in Cambodia and love that we can be your representatives here. You continue to be a special part of our lives. We hope you know that we love you all very much!
Rich and Ronda maintain a blog concerning the mission effort in Cambodia.