What we're about

The Communication Ministry seeks to take advantage of as many methods of communication as possible to keep our entire membership informed of the multitude of events, service opportunities, announcements, and the various ways that God is working in our congregation.

Adequate communication is a common struggle among large organizations and requires focus and intent, and multiple people willing and able to keep communication flowing and abundant.

We use the bulletins, announcement slides, website, Facebook, email, various printed media, and One Call voice messages, in conjunction with our office staff and other volunteers in the Graphic Design ministry to focus our branding and the various messages our congregation seeks to convey to both our members, and those outside of our congregation.

"How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who announces peace and brings good news of happiness, who announces salvation, and says to Zion, 'Your God reigns!'" - Isaiah 52:7

Why we serve

Technology has made it easier than ever to communicate with each other from anywhere in the world at any time, and yet large organizations, and specifically churches still struggle to adequately facilitate communication among their members. We enjoy using technology to help break through some of these barriers to communication so that the members of the body of Christ at Broken Arrow can be as informed as possible about everything happening in our congregation. 

Our goal is to never hear anyone say "I didn't know that was happening!"

Our Volunteers

There are 7 currently serving, but having 12 or more people would help considerably.

Typical work done in this ministry:

The Wednesday Nite News and Sunday Bulletins are organized mainly by our office staff. 

The website and Facebook pages are curated by our Graphic Design ministry. We're looking for individuals who can contribute to our Facebook page and website by taking pictures at our various events and posting them. We're also looking for individuals who would be willing to contribute a short written devotional thought to be posted on a regular basis (kind of like the Power for Today format).

The Communications Ministry is also responsible for designing the announcement slides and worship slides, and the occasional printed media like the banners in the auditorium and foyer, invitation cards, and event handouts. Individuals who are graphically inclined would serve this area well.

A new church management software capability is in the works and will bring several opportunities to increase our communication efforts. More volunteers will be needed to take full advantage of these new capabilities. 

We could use anyone who enjoys using social media or working with graphics, has writing skills, marketing skills, photography skills, video editing skills, public speaking skills, or publishing skills. 


The more volunteers we have the less time will be expected of each person, but we could use several individuals who are familiar with Facebook and working with websites and/or graphics to spend roughly 30 minutes to one hour a week. Some special projects, like Mission Forum or others, will require a bit more concentrated effort periodically.

Depending on how much time an individual has to work in this ministry they could have a single task, requiring about 30 minutes per week, or multiple tasks for up to an hour or two each week.


Rob & Lydia Lee
Hayley Bigham


Please email or text
Hayley: hayleydjones@gmail.com