
A Growing Experience
(2 - 5 years)

Our Goals:

  • Adjust from home to school

  • Develop social attitudes

  • Present the joy of learning

  • Provide setting for expression of curiosity

  • Respect and care of property

  • Awareness of himself and environment

  • Instill Christian attitudes

  • Language, motor skill, visual and auditory development

  • Readiness for reading and math

  • Respect for God and his creation


All Classes August - May
All Classes 9:30am - 2:30pm All Rates Monthly

Teacher/child ratio

1:8  2-year olds
1:10  3-year olds
1:12  4-year olds

Registration:  $50

2 Days/wk:  $225/mo
3 Days/wk:  $275/mo
*15% discount given to the second child in the same family

For questions email us or call 918-317-7150