A Growing Experience
(2 - 5 years)
Our Goals:
Adjust from home to school
Develop social attitudes
Present the joy of learning
Provide setting for expression of curiosity
Respect and care of property
Awareness of himself and environment
Instill Christian attitudes
Language, motor skill, visual and auditory development
Readiness for reading and math
Respect for God and his creation
All Classes August - May
All Classes 9:30am - 2:30pm All Rates Monthly
Teacher/child ratio
1:8 2-year olds
1:10 3-year olds
1:12 4-year olds
Registration: $50
2 Days/wk: $225/mo
3 Days/wk: $275/mo
*15% discount given to the second child in the same family
For questions email us or call 918-317-7150