Foreign Missions
The Broken Arrow Church has long been active in Foreign Mission fields. The Foreign Mission Ministry helps our members go on campaigns by financially supporting them and by helping arrange trips. Some other countries our members have taught Jesus in are Ukraine, Russia, Belize, Philippines, Australia, Mexico, Venezuela, Scotland, and Japan. We are currently active in:
The Cambodia Bible Institute is a work of the Sunset Church of Christ in Lubbock, Texas. Rich and Ronda Dolan began their work in August 2007. Rich’s work involves teaching and training, lining up visiting teachers from the States, setting the schedule and curriculum, recruiting students and working with the local churches. He also tries to set up vocational training for the students so they can be self-supporting, if needed
In India, we help to support A. Visweswara Rao, or "Bro. V" as we call him and a children's home there. Over 40 B.A. members have "adopted" a child at Bro. V's children's home.
Alexander and Aleena Padalyuk in Khartyzsk, Ukraine. They have a one daughter, Keera. Both Alexander and Aleena are graduates of the Ukrainian Biblical Institute of Sunset School. The Khartyzsk congregation averages about 35 in attendance each Sunday. Each week Alexander teaches a Bible class at the shelter in Khartyzsk and leads a Bible study class for the teens at the Khartyzsk congregation.
Valery and Ludmilla Kolchik in Gorlovka, Ukraine. Valery teaches a weekly Bible study class at the orphanage plus a Sunday worship service at the orphanage. Six teens from the orphanage have been baptized this year. The Gorlovka congregation averages about 45 attending each Lord’s Day. This is our second year to support this congregation.
Igor and Marina Pungin in Shakhtyorsk, Ukraine. Igor & Marina are both graduates of the Ukrainian Biblical Institute (Sunset School). They teach weekly Bible classes at church, visit shut-ins and work with the local children’s orphanage. Igor and Marina work with the teens – teaching Bible classes, taking them on a weekend outing, and having fellowship times together with them.
In July of 2011, after working with the church in Broken Arrow for several months, Brandon & Katie Price moved to Kharkov, Ukraine, to join a mission team who were already in Kharkov. Each Saturday, they have an English Study Program and Katie also hosts a cooking class in English. The purpose is to make new contacts with this outreach program and strengthen bonds with those they already know. On Sunday, they have a Seekers Study which is taught in Russian.