Adjust from home to school
Develop social attitudes
Present the joy of learning
Provide setting for expression of curiosity
Respect and care of property
Awareness of himself and environment
Instill Christian attitudes
Language, motor skill, visual and auditory development
Readiness for reading and math
Respect for God and his creation
All Classes August - May
All Classes 9:30am - 2:30pm All Rates Monthly
Teacher/child ratio
1:8 2-year olds
1:10 3-year olds
1:12 4-year olds
Registration: $50
2 Days/wk: $225/mo
3 Days/wk: $275/mo
*15% discount given to the second child in the same family
For questions email us or call 918-317-7150
Our Method
Our Method
The Pre-K program is developed through the use of learning themes. Activities in language, math, fine and creative arts, social/emotional development, motor skills and science are correlated with each theme. Educational field trips and special visitors also add to the learning environment. A Bible story is also a part of our curriculum.
Computer lab, Bible Time, fine and creative arts are added to the curriculum for enrichment. We also present three programs to our parents and guests throughout the year.
For questions email us or call 918-317-7150
Learning Themes
Learning Themes
Familiarize children with Bible stories
Learn stories with morals
Sing Bible songs
Memorize verses
Study about emotions
Develop self-concept
Puppet shows
Animals in classroom
Observe and study the growth of plants and animals
Learn about weather and how to dress properly
Visits by animals
Study farms and make butter
Study honeybees and eat honey
Study units on transportation, health and cleanliness, seasons, etc.
Develop fine and gross motor skills
Tumbling activities
Balance beam activities
Exercise to music
Rhythm activities
Play with small musical instruments
Vocabulary and communication skills
Handwriting readiness activities
Rhyming word activities
Calendar activities (learn days of week, months of year, and holidays)
Learn to write name
Recognize letters of the alphabet by sight
Recognize patterns
Learn basic concepts about color
Learn how to organize and categorize material
Learn proper use of scissors
Finger paint and brush paint
Make puppets
Make collages
Make play dough
Learn to count
Develop and improve number concepts
Learn basic shapes
Learn proportion concepts (length and width, larger, smaller, etc.)
For questions email us or call 918-317-7150
IMPORTANT: Each child must be paid for individually.
Use your discount code to get 15% off tuition for each additional child.
This price includes a $3 processing fee.
Now enrolling for Summer 2019
Kids Kare Preschool Summer Camp is designed for children who are 4 months to 5 years old. No matter where your child goes to preschool, our summer camp is a great way to keep him or her engaged in hands-on learning activities all summer long. We also provide breakfast and lunch! The weekly themes we will be covering are below.
8:45 - 9:10 Drop Off
9:15 - 9:45 Breakfast (Provided)
9:45 - 10:30 Outside Play
10:30 -11:30 Classroom Activities
11:30 - 12:00 Lunch (Provided)
12:00 - 1:15 Classroom Activities
1:15 - 1:45 Rest Time / Movie Time / Snack
1:45 - 2:00 Pick Up
To register please download and print the registration form below and bring your completed form to the Kids Kare office at Broken Arrow Church of Christ.
Tuition prices listed below are for the 8 weeks. Tuition can be paid in full by June 11 or split into two payments with half due on June 11 and half due on July 9.
3 DAYS A WEEK - $440.00 TUES / WED / THURS
2 DAYS A WEEK - $340.00 TUES / THURS